Vault / Firsthand

Vault /Firsthand: together enhance your whole career journey!  Vault content now lives in Firsthand

First time accessing the Firsthand platform: click this link, key your first & last name, as well as email address to create your account. We recommend you key industries of preference (vault recommends you add up to 10 industries of interest) so your homepage will display information relevant to you.

Why use Vault / Firsthand over a Google search:  With Vault / First hand you received legitimate information from current employees and you received validated information from the Annual Surveys. Vault resources help you research companies and industries, gain an understanding for a particular profession and determine your career path.  Vault provides industry and career guidebooks, as well as specialized job search preparation and starting salaries.  Firsthand connects students with people who work in the companies.

View this loom video  for an overview of accessing Vault/Firsthand from our website.

Vault / First hand resources:

How to Navigate Firsthand Basic Interface
Student training video(37 minutes) as it walks you through the Vault/Firsthand website
Navigating the Video Library
Navigating Jobs
Navigating Careers

Vault / Firsthand FAQ

Open this flyer for a quick step by step on registering and getting started.

Note: more than 800 University career centers (200+ business schools) rely on Vault Campus Edition, which provides students and alumni the internship, industry, profession, and company data and insight they need to seek, find, evaluate, and land the best job or internship.

Take a look at this list of Firsthand Training Videos and this list of NCSU Vault Guides

Please click the View Resource button below OR click this link to go directly to the Vault / Firsthand site.

If you have questions you can email support at

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