
The world’s #1 case interview prep platform, created by former McKinsey interviewers and headhunters. It provides everything you need to prepare for case study interviews used by top consulting firms and other employers.

This platform offers:

  • A video course covering the 12 key skills assessed by the firms across both the fit and case interviews with tips and techniques on how to build and demonstrate these skills
  • A Case Math Course to refresh your quant skills and bring your speed and accuracy to the next level
  • 27 interview videos featuring real candidates who went on to join top firms, with detailed commentary on their performance
  • A library of 100+ exclusive case studies with solutions, with a scorecard like the one your interviewer has on the other side of the table
  • A practice feature, to organize mock interviews with other students, within your school or at any of our 60 partner universities, and track your performance
  • Calculations, structures, and charts drills to hone in on critical skills

CaseCoach introduction video

A 2-minute video that explains the platform. We recommend you view the intro video then move to the video lectures. There are a variety of case interviews which are great.  Then move to practicing.  You can access the prepared cases (print the PDF and use to practice).  You can also find people to practice with if you would like.

View this quick loom video for an overview of accessing CaseCoach.

Take a look at this 30 minute sample case interview video on YouTube that has nearly 1 million views.

View this video from our own, Vince Ryan, who did a GREAT walk through on how to use Case Coach. He also gives tips and tricks on how he breaks down cases and which tools/resources worked well for him. He also broke down an actual case he did for the first round with Olive Wyman during his interviews to show them what an interview case might look like and how he broke it down.

We offer CaseCoach via a registration link. You MUST be pre-enrolled in the system so you receive NC State’s free access.

CaseCoach offers a Case Math Course that teaches all the skills you need to solve the kind of math problems you will face in a case:

  • The four operations
  • Key math concepts (fractions, percentages, compounding, weighted averages, probability, and algebra)
  • Business math (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, investments, valuation, operation)
  • Our pro-tips to simplify their calculations and avoid mistakes

There is a new feature on the CaseCoach platform: Case Math drills View this a 2:30 minute video to show you how the new drills work.

The course is self-service, allowing you to only watch what you need to learn. It is very concise, with 21 lectures of 6 minutes each on average.

If you are interested in improving your Case interviewing skills, want to sign up,  or have questions, please contact Connie Fowler at or your Career Coach.   You will need to create an account using your email address and create a password.

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