
Purepost, www.purepost.co is the only cloud-based software that fully-translates a military service member’s experience into transferable civilian skills, job titles and descriptions. Purepost enables a Veterans to create their free:
1. Purepost Shareable Professional Profile,
2. Inventory of earned Soft and Hard Transferable Skills,
3. Downloadable Purepost Professional Resume, and
4. Strengthen their ability to understand and articulate their value to employers.

In addition to this service,  Purepost also conducts Micro Learning Webinars under the auspices of the Purepost Knowledge Center. These are free for Veterans Students and non-Veteran Students. Our Webinars are posted on YouTube approximately two weeks after our live presentations. A number of career services representatives recommend these webinars to their Veteran and non-Veteran students.
The Purepost Knowledge Center is a Portfolio of 30 modules designed to facilitate an individual’s:
Movement to higher levels of organizational responsibility
Transition from one industry to another
Overall workplace success

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